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预订.COM PARTNERS WITH TECH RETURNERS TO BRING TALENT BACK TO SECTOR Team and Tech Returners Team, one of the world’s leading digital travel companies, 欢迎12名新的软件开发人员澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台其位于十大网博靠谱平台的团队,这是该公司与Tech returns合作伙伴关系的一部分, 一个专门帮助技能熟练的工程师在离职后重返科技行业的组织.’s Trips division, which will move into its new £100m home at Manchester’s Enterprise City later this year, 通过Tech returers的“Your Return to Tech”项目赞助了第二批候选人,创造了这些职位.


这些全职职位从今年6月开始,涵盖了该公司旅行部门的各个职位, including its Taxis, 汽车, Insurance and Data teams, and forms part of its plan to significantly grow the business’ 1,000-strong presence in the city.

Beyond refreshing and re-skilling individuals from a technical perspective, the programme also provides each participant with career and mindset coaching, 深入学习不同的技能和行为,从如何重建信心到面试准备和练习.

到目前为止, “技术回归者”(Tech returers)计划已将100多名中层软件开发人员安排到一系列重视技术团队多样性的英国组织中, including The Guardian, Daemon and The BBC. 

Matthias Schmid, SVP for the BOOKING.com旅游部门表示:“随着旅游业在疫情后复苏, 我们有一个雄心勃勃的计划,要创造大量的新职位,澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们今年已经在Trips团队中招聘的300名熟练的专业人士. The city’s world-class talent is a key reason why we call Manchester home. 与像Tech returers这样的进步组织合作,意味着我们可以为不同的人才提供施展才华的平台和职业道路, 提供改变游戏规则的创新,并最终在全球范围内为当地科技领域树立旗帜.”

Beckie Taylor, Tech returers的首席执行官兼联合创始人评论道:“作为一个热衷于建立多元化技术团队并支持人们实现其潜力的团队, 我们非常自豪地看到又一批成功的归国者重返事业,回归自我.

It's a privilege to collaborate with organisations, like, 他们能够超越因职业中断而产生的耻辱感,转而认可专业知识, skills and value that this demographic brings to the tech industry. 我们一次又一次地看到,一个人只要有机会就能重新点燃他在科技行业的职业生涯." & Tech Returners Case study – Shahzadi Saira Awan

One employee that has already benefited from the initiative is Shahzadi Saira Awan, who joined Tech Returners in October 2021. 她于2018年从巴基斯坦移居英国,并于2019年与当时两岁的儿子一起申请难民庇护. 作为家庭暴力的幸存者,她早年在英国的大部分时间都住在临时住所,寻求庇护.

Despite holding a Masters degree in Information Technology, Shahzadi的育儿责任和签证要求使她很难找到全职工作.

Shahzadi said: “My refugee status meant I faced a lot of challenges trying to find a job. 我做过一些志愿工作,但需要一份有收入的工作来养活自己和儿子. I knew I had desirable tech skills but opportunities were hard to come by.”

Tech Returners gave Shahzadi the opportunity to get back into the industry. She joined the course, which is free for returners, 在2021年10月,并在课程结束时获得了中级软件开发人员的永久职位, 就在同一天,英国批准了她作为永久居民在英国居住的庇护申请.

她继续说道:“‘科技归来者’帮助我更新了技能,给了我重返职场的信心. Since I joined the team in June, they have been flexible around my childcare needs and supportive of me in every way. 最近,我和儿子在阿姆斯特丹参加了一个会议——小事情对我的事业发展有很大的影响.




Founded in 1996 in Amsterdam, BOOKING.com已经从一家小型的荷兰初创公司发展成为世界领先的数字旅游公司之一. Part of 预订 Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: BKNG),’s mission is to make it easier for everyone to experience the world.

By investing in the technology that helps take the friction out of travel, seamlessly connects millions of travellers with memorable experiences, 一系列的交通选择和令人难以置信的住宿场所-从家庭到酒店等等.  

作为世界上最大的旅游市场之一,为各种规模的知名品牌和企业家提供服务, enables properties all over the world to reach a global audience and grow their businesses.  

预订.Com网站有44种语言版本,总共提供超过2800万个住宿信息, including more than 6.6 million listings of homes, apartments and other unique places to stay. No matter where you want to go or what you want to do, makes it easy and backs it all up with 24/7 customer support. 


十大网博靠谱平台 Tech Returners

Founded in Manchester in 2017, Tech returns是一家规模不断扩大的组织,致力于为熟练的技术专业人士提供包容性的机会,以更新他们的技能,并重返成功的技术职业生涯. 科技回归者致力于消除人们在职业中断后面临的耻辱和障碍. 同时,该组织解决了数字技能短缺和技术多样性缺乏的问题:2022年, 完成“重返科技”项目的参与者中,平均59%是女性,62%是有色人种. 


As the UK’s only free ‘Your Return to Tech’ programme for individuals, 这个为期8周的项目提供了一个积极和赋权的环境,并为回到技术职业生涯提供了一条行之有效的途径. Returners up-skill in new technologies, develop existing knowledge and are supported with confidence, career and mindset coaching in preparation for a guaranteed interview with a hiring sponsor.


技术回归者采用技术和个人的方法来支持和重新培训带来价值的有才华的人, 专业知识, and diversity to progressive organisations.

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